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Morning Exercise Before School

The Centers for Disease Controls (CDC) states, “…physical activity can have an impact on cognitive skills and attitudes and academic behavior, all of which are important components of improved academic performance. These include enhanced concentration and attention as well as improved classroom behavior.” The CDC research paper can be found here.  Exercise directly impacts the behavior and development of the brain. “It is likely that the effects of physical activity on cognition would be particularly important in the highly plastic developing brains of youth,” according to a 2010 essay by Charles Basch of Columbia University. He summarized how exercise may affect executive functioning: Increased oxygen flow to the brain Increased brain neurotransmitters “[Increased] brain-derived neurotrophins that support neuronal differentiation and survival in the developing brain.” Neurotrophins assure the survival of neurons in areas responsible for learning, memory, and higher thinking. This year, The Leelanau School added regular morning exercise before school begins.  It...

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LeelaNews Fall 2014 in mailboxes

We are excited to share all our news and events with our alumni, parents, donors and friends.  Our newest LeelaNews should be hitting your mailbox in the next several days.  If you don’t receive it and would like to, please email and we will put you on our mailing list. Click this link to read online. LeelaNews FALL.14 (1)  

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October is ADHD Awareness Month

October is ADHD Awareness Month. Dean Dauphinais, father of a 2014 Leelanau graduate, has had his blog about how our school transformed his son’s educational path chosen as one of the “Best Blog Posts on ADHD” for 2014. It’s number 12 on the page at the link below. If you click on the link to Dean’s blog at that page, it will take you his piece at the Huffington Post website. Feel free to leave comments about Leelanau in the comments section following the blog. “To our delight, between our son’s sophomore and junior years we found a little jewel of a boarding school that actually specializes in teaching kids with ADHD, ADD, dyslexia and other learning differences. A strength-based, experiential high school that offered what we thought would be the perfect alternative learning environment for our son. While we were driving home after touring the school, our son stated so eloquently: “I think this school could change my life.” And...

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