Creating an Attitude for Learning
Creating an Attitude for Learning
Real learning is an active, engaging and personally rewarding process. School should not be defined as a “place” to go. It is instead a journey of exploration, creation, challenge, and fulfillment. Growth and learning demands us to do things we have never done before. That definition can be either intimidating or exciting. Our attitude determines which it will be. To create an attitude for learning, each day has to foster a frame of mind that encourages effort, perseverance, and celebration.
As educators, it becomes our obligation to build an environment that allows for this intrinsic construction of the value of learning. A boarding school, with influence over both academic and residential aspects of life, can help to establish the habits that sustain a healthy attitude.
Learning requires we start each day right.
Starting the day right is essential. Teaching and learning requires good rest and readiness. It starts with establishing an evening routine that allows you to feel...