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3 Reasons A Small School Can Mean Big Things For Students

About a 3 minute read –

Benefits of Small –

Small schools can offer benefits that go beyond academic achievement and address the deeper personal and learning needs of students. The full experience of “school” can be dramatically different depending on the sense of community, the ability to form strong relationships, and class size, allowing the process of learning to be one full of wonder and joy. 

1. Being Part Of A Community

community performance

Close relationships with teachers as well as other staff and students can blossom in a small school. Being able to get to know each other personally and to develop deep friendships creates a sense of community. The feeling of being part of a community itself helps to create a sense of belonging and provides the space for individual students to find their voice and their passions and to take healthy risks in personal development. A strong sense of community is also linked to better academic performance, and, of course, happiness, which is something all students deserve to feel!

2. Strong Relationships

With fewer students in each class, meaningful connections between teachers and students can emerge from day one. Trust can be built and a mutual understanding of each other can happen. Teachers are able to get to know each student’s individual capabilities and can spend more time focusing on what each student needs to succeed, how to keep them excited and engaged, and can determine the areas where they may need extra support. When students and teachers have the ability to develop a close relationship a true love of learning can be formed through a sense of partnership in the learning itself.

3. Students Can Experience Learning

environmental science mushroom

To experience something is to know it. A small school environment allows teachers the ability to be more nimble in their curriculum planning and daily lessons. If a topic emerges as something that sparks interest in students, teachers can shift and take the time for a fuller exploration, allowing natural curiosity to fuel learning. Discussions, experiences, and reflections of student ideas and opinions can be more deeply explored. Opportunities to get out of the classroom can be planned more frequently or can happen on a whim. Small schools allow more flexibility for students to experience what they are learning in order to more fully cement concepts and ideas in the brain. It also means students are more excited and engaged which makes learning more fun!

Small At The Leelanau School

Leelanau truly works to create a sense of home for our high school students. Teachers and staff, along with other students, become mentors and friends. Just as much time is devoted to developing life skills, healthy relationships, and a student getting to know themself as a learner, as is spent on academics. In fact, our residential and academic curriculums are interwoven within our college-prep program. Opportunities for getting outside and experiential learning are everywhere and school doesn’t just mean a classroom within four walls. Our skilled staff provide our students with opportunities to learn naturally within each moment of their day. 

A reflective message about the Grace of A Small School was recently written by Rob Hansen, Head of School. During this challenging time, the benefits of being small are even more salient to students and parents.

Watch our video Small Is Big

What we like:

Increases personal sense of belonging
Allows students to get to know themselves as learners
Makes school and learning fun

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