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Head of School Message

Re-Discover the Joy of Learning

Learning is a natural part of being human. From birth, we explore the world, test boundaries, and grow through experiences. While schooling was designed to enhance this process, many traditional educational settings have become weighed down by outdated assumptions.

In some environments, learning can feel oppressive. Rigid systems often stifle natural curiosity, treating individual differences as anomalies. A heavy focus on standardization and assessment can overlook the unique needs of students, limiting their potential. True success lies not just in content mastery but in creating systems that support personalized learning, enthusiasm, and growth.

At Leelanau, we are different. We aim to be a place where the joy of learning is rediscovered. We celebrate individuality, provide meaningful challenges, and foster an environment where students engage deeply, take ownership of their learning, and develop resilience. For us, rigor means applying real-world knowledge, fueling intellectual curiosity, and providing the support students need to thrive.

Our approach is designed to be simple, personalized, and supportive. With a small, close-knit community, everyone at Leelanau is known, seen, and heard. We offer streamlined schedules, individualized assessments, mentorship, and coaching, all while emphasizing self-care, responsibility, and self-advocacy. Our curriculum goes beyond traditional academics to nurture growth in all aspects of life.

A healthy social climate is vital for students to feel safe and supported. At Leelanau, we prioritize wellness by teaching executive function skills, conflict resolution, emotional nurishment, and offering resources like tutoring and office hours. Autonomy paired with guidance helps students manage their time, tasks, and learning with confidence.

By combining clear expectations, robust support, and a connected community, Leelanau transforms learning into a natural, meaningful process of growth.

As you explore our website and engage with our community, we invite you to discover something authentic and refreshing. It’s the heart of who we are and why we exist.

Rob Hansen
Head of School