Short Film Making: Lights, Camera, Action
In Short Film Making, students will be introduced to the genre of short films by watching several shown at the Traverse City Film Festival. This studio-style class is designed for someone interested in learning both an appreciation for film as well as the “behind-the- scenes” construction for film-making. As we take a “bird’s eye” view on directors and actors when they reflect on our culture, we will engage in round table discussions. By exploring a variety of formats and film-making techniques, students will gain the opportunity to create a concept for a story/movie of their own. Storyboards to pre-planning activities and editing software will prepare students to shoot and produce a live film. (Students will not be required to purchase any sort of software.)
– A camera or a way to take videos
– The ability to transfer video files from your video device
– A laptop
– Editing software (Provided if you don’t have one)
– A can do attitude
A ½ credit in Art or English can be earned.
Instructors: Ms. Firestone and Mrs....