How Boarding School Can Improve Family Relationships
If you are a parent of a teen who has had issues with concentrating, anxiety, focus or so bright they are bored – and are reluctant to embrace them being away from home at boarding school – consider this. You may be in for a surprise. Many parents find that their relationships with their teens not only improve during the time they are at school, but also during the times when they return home.
“Being at boarding high school has definitely reduced some sources of strain in our relationship with our son. In junior high at a local public school, we had weekly and daily drama around getting all of the assignments and tasks completed, with us often left in the role of ‘enforcer’ for the school. Now that he is at boarding school, he is better able to keep on top of assignments and gets more support to allow him to flourish academically. We are able to share in celebrating his success and discuss what he is learning – rather than being ‘homework cop’ for the school.”
Leelanau Parent, class of 2019
Letting Go To Become Closer