What Does It Take For Students To Love School?
Does Your Child Love School? For Far Too Many Children In Our Nation, The Answer Is “No”.
In many school settings, students are asked to comply rather than engage. The measures of success are almost always standardized or formulaic. Options for demonstrating learning are narrow and non-inclusive. Students feel “sorted and selected” based on finite and external definitions of success. It is unreasonable to expect gains in learning, or joy in attendance, when students feel like they exist for the school, instead of the school existing for them. Such practices naturally lead to student apathy, anxiety, boredom, and resentment. Such feelings can lead to negative behaviors and family stress.
Students Expect More From School
Regardless of labels and learning styles, all students expect more from their schooling. They expect to have a voice in the classroom. They expect to advocate for themselves. They expect to have multiple pathways for engagement, and a variety of ways to demonstrate understanding. They expect learning to be active and...