Once Upon a Time: The Leelanau Story
Once Upon a Time: The Leelanau Story
Long, long ago, a small but mighty school was created along the sandy shores and great blue waters of Lake Michigan. Nestled among tall pines and sturdy oaks and hugging the banks of a Crystal-clear river, students traveled from near and far to this magical spot in search of new and creative ways of learning from teachers of great cheer and understanding…
Opening up a young learner is much like turning to the first page of a new novel.
You know there will be adventure. You expect there will be drama. Twists and turns will thicken the plot, and missteps complicate the situation. You begin to connect with the characters and grow with them throughout the chapters. You hope for an inspiring journey and applaud a satisfying ending. With a really good book, you can’t wait for the sequel.
The Leelanau School has been turning these pages for more than nine decades. Our main characters – faculty and students alike – are rich with intrigue, humor, complexity, and resilience....