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Author: kmccaw

Is Experiential Learning the Same As Hands-On Learning?

Experiential learning is a concept worth getting to know. It promises more than those others in terms of scope and outcome. It describes the way students actually retain and recall information. It is the way learning is brought to life and it brings deeper and more lasting meaning.

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How Boarding School Can Improve Family Relationships

If you are a parent of a teen who has had issues with concentrating, anxiety, focus or so bright they are bored – and are reluctant to embrace them being away from home at boarding school – consider this. You may be in for a surprise. Many parents find that their relationships with their teens not only improve during the time they are at school, but also during the times when they return home. “Being at boarding high school has definitely reduced some sources of strain in our relationship with our son.  In junior high at a local public school, we had weekly and daily drama around getting all of the assignments and tasks completed, with us often left in the role of ‘enforcer’ for the school.  Now that he is at boarding school, he is better able to keep on top of assignments and gets more support to allow him to flourish academically. We are able to share in celebrating his success and discuss what he is learning – rather than being ‘homework cop’ for the school.” Leelanau Parent, class of 2019 Letting Go To Become Closer You...

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4 Things To Look For In A School For Students With ADHD

October is ADHD Awareness Month and this post was written to advocate for what’s best in education for students with ADHD – When you’re a parent, where you choose to live takes on added importance. It happens all the time, families choose to live somewhere because of an amazing school district. They want what is best for their children. Often the schools are ranked within the top in the nation, test scores are off the charts, there are numerous extracurricular options, students go on to great colleges, and graduates are noted to be successful in their careers. It seems like a no brainer. But for some students, many of which have ADHD, the top-rated schools are not always the schools where they find success. Highly intelligent, capable, and creative can kids find themselves not fitting in, not able to keep up, or uninterested in school. If your local school isn’t the right fit, there are options. What to look for in a school for students with ADHD? Small Class Sizes Less students in the classroom...

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Leelanau Revealed Student Book

During Winter Term 2018, students in the class entitled “Leelanau Revealed”  explored the history and people of the Leelanau peninsula. Students practiced being real life historians while going off campus, taking advantage of our local resources, and using Journalism skills like interviewing and researching. They were able to visit historic sites, speak with local historians, peruse Maritime museums, and scour archives. Their final project was to create a book containing all that they learned during the course. From narrative to poetry to locals interviewed by our student writers, this book we call Leelanau Revealed is a true collection of the collaborative minds our school embodies. CELEBRATE THE WRITERS FROM OUR WINTER TERM PROJECT BY ORDERING A COPY TODAY! To order a copy, please send an email to:        Subject Line: Leelanau Revealed We will have a special book signing event for families and students at Graduation Weekend, June 1st & 2nd. Copies ordered before March 24th will receive a barcode for a creative audio reading of the...

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Print Vs. Digital Text In Education

It seems like everything is about technology these days.  Most things we do throughout the day have a tech option and sometimes it doesn’t even seem like an option – using tech is just what we do. When it comes to learning and our ability to assimilate written information, digital text may seem like the obvious winner. It’s portable, accessible, less expensive (assuming you have a device), and just downright handy. However, when considering that many people’s comprehension levels vary based on authentically interacting with a text, does digital really stand up to print? The answer really depends on how interactive is the digital text? When addressing what books to order or why digital may be a better fit for a particular assignment, teachers must continually ask themselves “what is the purpose of the reading I am asking students to respond to comprehend?” The one measure that is extremely important for writing skills is proofing and research does show that when students read aloud and respond to written text they catch proofing errors more readily and can...

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