Profile of a Prospective Student
Prospective Student Focus
- Prospective Student Profile: Curious, outdoorsy, artsy, non-competitive, empathetic, may feel disconnected from traditional social groups, cites positive experiences in summer camps or non-school enrichment programs.
- Prior School Experience: Enjoyed school in earlier grade levels, but now feels bored, unchallenged, unsafe, unsuccessful, or frustrated with standardized instruction. Dislikes rote learning and scripted curricula, and feels apathetic, unchallenged, or left behind in the current placement.
- Learning Preferences: Thrives in hands-on activities and well-facilitated discussions, values personal connections with teachers, and prefers a supportive, responsive, and engaging learning environment.
- Motivations for Change: Desires a more supportive, creative, and responsive school environment, with smaller class sizes, more elective offerings, and a sense of community. Looking for an increased voice in their learning, and opportunities to be successful. Wants to grow in executive functioning and self-management.
- Current Challenges: Experiences school-based anxiety, often feels misunderstood or bullied, lacks support in IEPs or 504 plans, and feels isolated or withdrawn in larger school settings.
Prospective Parent Focus
- Home Life and Parenting: Values education, open to alternative schooling, and willing to make sacrifices for their child’s success.
- Concerns about Current Schooling: Feels that their child has untapped potential, sees the current school as too competitive and compliance-driven, and believes their child is misunderstood or falling through the cracks. Exhausted by the struggle to qualify for simple accommodations that should be afforded to all students.
- Reasons for Considering Leelanau: Desires a more positive and engaging learning environment, community support, better home-teacher relationships, and a school that addresses social, emotional, physical, and academic well-being. Looking for a way for their child to rediscover joy, purpose, and safety in schooling.